
To find a transport volunteer has never been easier

Contact a traveller and get your pet home.

how to fly with a dog
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Upload the picture of your pet, tell us their story, where they are and where they need to travel.

Then, complete your profile.

how to travel with a dog

Search for the journey your pet needs to make. If a volunteer is available, it will appear. Otherwise, don’t worry, we are always actively looking for travellers to become transport volunteers.

On the day of the trip, your pet should have all their paperwork ready to travel. You will need to arrange for someone to bring the animal to the airport, port or station to meet with the volunteer and cover the cost of the pet’s ticket.

We know how nervous you will be that day, but trust the volunteer, most of the time everything goes perfect. Also, we always encourage the volunteers to keep you updated.  

Giving an incentive to volunteers will help us all.

You get your beloved family member home and the volunteer will be happy to get some of their expenses covered. It doesnt have to be money either, you can also offer accommodation or a gift.

We will also ask if you would like to donate to Help the Dog Fly. In that way, we can help more pets to get home.  You can read more about our values here. 

Help the Dog Fly